I was at a do yesterday. (I can’t think of how to call it other than a do. It’s a casual work related event that requires me to look not too far away from my work self. )

The Very Important Person At the Pinnacle of Our Food Chain came out from some hidden place. He stood and waved at the proletariats hoping perhaps for a roar of approval. Just before he had to go and deliver his speech, he walked over and grabbed a child for a photoshoot. The child did a sad emoticon and reached out for the mom at once.

He returned this child and took another nearby for his shoot. That kid did not cry. I will not be able to just grab and do it. I will have a long conversation of nonsense words with the baby to arrive at some understanding that he or she was amenable to being picked up. I will then cautiously pick the child up while continuing that goobly gook conversation.

It must be the aura of being Very Important.